B. Braun in Taiwan Contact Form

Contact Form


Service Hours: 0900-1800 (Mon - Fri)
We will get back to you as soon as possible.


Please be sure to complete all fields with an asterisk (*). 

Salutation / 稱呼

e.g 陳永錫

Attachment / 附檔

The protection of the personal data of our customers is very important to us and we take it very seriously. Your personal data is subject to data protection and will only be collected and stored for approach reasons. Under no circumstances will we pass on your personal data to third parties outside of the B. Braun group or use or store them for any other purposes. Our staff has been trained to handle personal data and is obliged to comply with the data protection regulations.

本問卷依據個資法蒐集、處理及利用您的個人資料包含識別個人姓名、行動電話、電子郵件地址等。上述個人資料之蒐集、處理及利用,將僅限本問卷業務需要使用,並遵守個資法之規定妥善保護您的個人資訊。依據個資法第3條規定,您可向台灣柏朗股份有限公司行使之個資權利包括:查詢、閱覽、複製、補充、更正、處理、利用及刪除。您可與台灣柏朗股份有限公司客服中心聯繫(電洽: 02-6600-7100轉23, 25, 26),台灣柏朗股份有限公司將儘速處理與回覆您的請求。您亦可拒絕提供相關之個人資料,但若無完整的資料,台灣柏朗股份有限公司將無法進行本問卷之後續作業,致無法提供您相關服務。

Data protection


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